Sunday, April 24, 2011


Yesterday was my last Sunday in Darwin and my family and I said our goodbyes to many dear friends that we have met in our 5 years in the Top End (of Australia). On Saturday we head 4 000 km south to make a new home in Geelong. In this day of almost instant communication, it's hard to imagine such a huge communication void - but the outback of Australia is a desert in more ways than one. Phone reception is in the occassional towns on the way. We won't have much chance of internet either. So this blog may go quiet for a little while.

My friends in Timor-Leste can certainly appreciate that. Communication is available (sometimes) in the capital, Dili, but in the rural areas phone reception and certainly internet access are scarce as hen's teeth.

It is a blessing for me, as for them, that God's Providential Support (GPS) is available everywhere on the planet. He always knows exactly where we are and what we need and hears our prayers.

So please include my family and me in your prayers next week and of course continue prayers for our brothers and sisters in Timor-Leste - particularly those in the remote rural areas.