Monday, April 22, 2013

My Birthday Bibi

As it is my birthday next week, my beautiful friend Jeana gave me some goats (or bibi, as our Tetun-speaking friends call them.) Of course keeping goats in South Geelong would be rather awkward. But these are not real goats. They are paintings of goats:

Bibi - watercolour on paper, stitched thread.

Aren't they wonderful? I think they will certainly find their way into the Jose book.
I shall frame them and hang them on the wall, and seeing them, shall be reminded that I have been a recipient of God's providence for 40 years.
For four decades, He has guided and guarded me.
Challenged me and bountifully blessed me.
Directed me, developed me.
Upheld me by His marvellous, omnipotent hand. For forty years.
 If that isn't worth celebrating, what is?

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