Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Blessed Christmas to You All

Today, I was reading an article about the political correctness (or lack thereof) of Christmas, in which the author asks why so many people today find Christ and Christmas offensive and threatening. Of course, as he points out, that's an old story: King Herod found Christ so offensive, he sought to have Him killed.

I have no qualms about 'offending' here. I wish my readers, not just a 'happy' Christmas, but a truly 'blessed' one. I wish them the blessing that comes through receiving the powerful work of Immanuel - God With Us.

I rejoice that in Timor-Leste there are many Christian brothers and sisters who are celebrating the birth of our Lord. I also pray, as I have been praying for years, that many there will come to a true and meaningful relationship with Him who was sent as a tiny baby to earth for the salvation of His people.